Pain Reprocessing Therapy
A New and Revolutionary Treatment for Chronic Pain
Throw away the band-aid therapies that only manage your pain & provide temporary pain relief.
Reach instead for permanent pain freedom.
The brain is always in charge of pain, whether you just broke your leg or have been dealing with foot pain, headache, or back pain for years. Pain does not exist until the brain says it does! Whereas other therapies teach you to manage, accept, and just live with your pain, Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT) focuses on rewiring the brain to fully eliminate chronic pain.
What does the research show?
A recent research study utilizing PRT looked at a group of patients who had been suffering for an average of ten years from persistent pain. After only 8 sessions of PRT, 98% of the patients improved and 66% were pain free or nearly pain free, and these results continued long-term without further treatment.
What is remarkable about this study is that the majority of the patients reached nearly-pain-free or pain-free status. Usually in the field of pain treatment we expect some pain reduction, especially temporary reduction, but not pain freedom lasting a year and more. Persistent pain patients are used to band-aid treatments and are often told they will have to learn to manage their condition, not that the pain can be treated or reduced enough for them to live fully again.
You can read the actual research study’s medical journal article here. You can click here and here to learn about a similar study out of Harvard. Harvard’s approach has also been successfully used to treat symptoms of Long Covid (Post-Acute Sequelae of Coronavirus Disease 2019), which you can read here.
Chronic Pain can be Cured.
Pain Freedom is Possible.
Effective Pain Treatment Exists.
Donnino MW, Thompson GS, Mehta S, Paschali M, Howard P, Antonsen SB, Balaji L, Bertisch SM, Edwards R, Ngo LH, Grossestreuer AV. Psychophysiologic symptom relief therapy for chronic back pain: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Pain Rep. 2021 Sep 23;6(3):e959. doi: 10.1097/PR9.0000000000000959. PMID: 34589642; PMCID: PMC8476063.
PRT is a safe, affordable, and insurance-covered treatment for a wide variety of chronic pain conditions that can be delivered virtually via Telehealth in Colorado. I am certified in PRT, and this form of treatment is applicable for a wide range of chronic conditions beyond back pain. Please contact me to learn if PRT is appropriate for your unique medical condition. Additionally, PRT has no known side effects unlike many pharmaceutical medications, injections, or surgeries.
To explore more, you can also check out The Curable App.
One of the most factors in treatment being effective is working with a provider who you like and connect with. You can access a list of other providers trained in PRT here. You can also email me at, and I can help you find a provider you connect with.